Author Topic: Perth - Tree Man  (Read 11025 times)

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Offline Gondwanna

Perth - Tree Man
« on: Tue 09 Feb 2010 22:10:10 »
I'm sure you've all seen the Perth Tree Man on the news since December.

I wonder how many know that his cousin is the acting leader of the Greens Party in Victoria?

I haven't seen the news pick up on that fact.

Offline innocent bystander

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Re: Perth - Tree Man
« Reply #1 on: Wed 10 Feb 2010 07:22:48 »
The thing with trees is that they need to be the correct species in the correct location, otherwise thay are just another weed. Political party affiliations really can't change that. But I don't know enough of the facts to make an informed comment on the status of the tree in question because the papers never report the truth.

But, heck, if a guy loves a tree that much to stay up it for a few months to stop it being removed, then why not leave it alone. Petty power struggles by insignificant officials really piss me off. It's only one tree in the 'burbs, they should all move on to more important agendas.

Offline brevant

Re: Perth - Tree Man
« Reply #2 on: Fri 05 Mar 2010 20:12:46 »
Is he still up it?

Offline Gondwanna

Re: Perth - Tree Man
« Reply #3 on: Sun 07 Mar 2010 21:51:27 »
yep, saw on the news last night that he was still there and about to celebrate 3 MONTHS.  It made the news this time because someone set fire to his Australian flag that was flying on his property. Almost burnt down his tree.