Well, as Bob Dylan said ... for the times they are a-changin’

The festival seems to have re-defined itself ...
"The West Coast ’n’ Blues Festival is a truly unique experience in the Perth festival landscape. The iconic event, which began in 2004, has set a new standard for festival comfort as well as the perfect blend of musical genres – from blues to R&B, rock and pop." (http://www.westcoastbluesnroots.com.au/)The majority of artists on the card I would describe as Blues, R&B or Roots, and no one act is given any particular prominance, so I think the Festival still retains the original flavour. I think
DeadEyesOpened is probably also right about a headliner act.
It's also probably an opportunity for
Crowded House to showcase the new album due out sometime soon. I wasn't able to get to the event - did they do any songs from the new album?? Interestingly, after the West Coast event
Crowded House are off to headline the
Byron Bay's Bluesfest (1-5 April 2010) before jetting off for their extensive UK tour. Perhaps Neil and the boys are trying to re-define themselves as well?
