I am really pi$$ed off as some no good mongrel knocked off my station car (car fro going to railway station and back). Has a little beat up 88 Astra thta someone took a fancy too - specificaly bought this car as I figured no-one would want to steal it - HOW WRONG WAS I!!!!!
Was insured for 3rd party fire theft and it's great thta I have a hire car for 14 days but the claim is only going to pay market value and I'll be lucky to get a pushbike once the insurance co has deducted all their odds and sods.
The kids car seats were in the back and now we have the hassle of replacing them as well and they aren't covered by the policy....
I sure hope the ba$tard enjoyed the full tank of juice. I am not going to degenerate into stereotyping the persons I beleieve may be responsible but suffice to say we probalby pay them not to work.......
Car ran like a charm and I've never had to spend a cent on it. My daughter is nearly 4 and has had a hard time comprehending why daddy will now be catching the bus to work and why we can't take the rocket up to Bunnings for toy shopping!!!!