Author Topic: Song ID please (80s postpunk/new wave)  (Read 18248 times)

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Offline todd_light

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Song ID please (80s postpunk/new wave)
« on: Sun 23 May 2010 19:00:56 »

I'm usually pretty good at tracking stuff down but this one has me stumped! It is very quirky and poppy and mostly sungby a guy but with one line spoken sung by a female. There are saxaphones in it and it's a bit funky. The lyrics go something like this:

I, I like my job
Don't worry - you'll get lucky too
We, we've got the green one
So why did you buy the blue?
I, I'd like a beer
But only if you have one too
I, I have leukemia, and I wish
Doctor doctor, tell me please
What you take
(6 of those, 6 of these..........)
We, we are married
Now c'mon, when will you
I, I had a kitchen
But what else, what else can you do?
We, we all know what we want
Now how about, how 'bout you?
I, I have leukemia
And I wish, you had it too

Please help if you can. It kills me not to know! Thanks very much.

Offline motcher76

Re: Song ID please (80s postpunk/new wave)
« Reply #1 on: Wed 26 May 2010 00:32:53 »
I'm thinking The Chocolate Grinders 1981 new-wave/synth 7'' single "People With Leukemia" released on the Innocent Label - David Chesworth (Essendon Airport) and Philip Brophy (Tsk Tsk Tsk). But I'm damned if I can find a music sample to verify that. The lyrics sound familiar, but until we can dig up a sound-byte it's just a suggestion :-[


**EDIT** ... I just managed to listen to this track on a U.S. streaming radio site and this is indeed the song you're looking for. I'll have to work out how to capture the audio from that stream :D
« Last Edit: Wed 26 May 2010 00:52:12 by motcher76 »
"... Before you judge a man, first walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who gives a damn. He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!!..."   ;D

Offline motcher76

Re: Song ID please (80s postpunk/new wave)
« Reply #2 on: Wed 26 May 2010 01:24:48 »
I've put a low bit-rate sample up on zShare for you to check out. It's captured audio from the radio stream, so it's not perfect.

"... Before you judge a man, first walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who gives a damn. He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!!..."   ;D