Author Topic: Numberplate Thieves  (Read 11049 times)

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Offline No_Exit

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Numberplate Thieves
« on: Sun 06 Jun 2010 04:19:33 »
I found my car with no numberplates at 1:30am after working for 12 and a half hours. I rang the police to report it and was told not to drive my car so I slept in my car, and froze my a$$ off. I went to the RTA early to arrange new plates but could not get any because i had no registration papers even though i said there are at my house which is like 60klms away and i can't drive home to get them.
I then tried to get to my house by train and taxi (which cost a small fortune) and back to the RTA before they shut @ midday, which obviously was a failure.
The entire time my phone was dead flat and I couldn't even get the number out of my phone to ring my ex wife to tell her what was going on as i was supposed to pick my kids up  7am & then when i could get a phone wouldn't let me talk to them or come and get them and just yelled to them while i was on the phone "your dads not coming".

So, to the scumsucking maggot(s) whole stole my plates, I hope for the rest of your life that your balls fill with battery acid & and all your future sex partners be nothing but your hand in a spiked glove soaked in aftershave.

And to the R.T.A person, It's my car, you know this you have both my license and registration details on your computer, and you had my license and police info in your hand. i hope everyone for the rest of your days when you need some help treats you with the same amount of common sense you were obviously lucky enough to be blessed with.

Finally to the wife (Yes, I hope you read this), I'm sure it was inconvenient me being late and you may have plans, but your willingness to upset our kids because of your selfish, callous & vindictive attitude will only hurt yourself in the long run.

Anyway, 'nuff said about my crappy day

Offline DaveR

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Re: Numberplate Thieves
« Reply #1 on: Thu 22 Jul 2010 18:55:05 »
Sounds like a bad trip. I feel your pain. In hindsight, if that happened to me, I would have driven the car, then reported it. The scumbags deserve a lot more, like time behind bars. There's no respect for others these days. Society is allowing crime to escalate. Civilized people don't behave this way. Hope things have gotten better for you after that experience.

Offline Rosie125

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Re: Numberplate Thieves
« Reply #2 on: Thu 22 Jul 2010 20:40:24 »
This happened to the Program Manager on my radio station just last week.
At 3am he got a cab to work, spending $70.
Callers said he should have just driven it, claiming he was unaware they were gone if stopped.
Cops gave him some sort of paper giving him the okay to drive it when he finally reported it.
Main uses of stolen plates are robberies or re-birthing so report them ASAP.
RTA gave him new plates and rivets to hold them on.
We use one-way screws on our cars. You need a special screwdriver to remove them.

"My Poppy says I'm magic to him."

Offline Whalanboy

Re: Numberplate Thieves
« Reply #3 on: Sun 29 Aug 2010 19:18:43 »
Go with the rivets , if a thief wants the plates they will carry the screwdriver needed to remove the screws. Not sure why they call them one way screws if theres a tool to remove them they ain't one way.
As for the rivets once there in the noly way they come out is to drill them .... too much noise for a thief !  :D
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