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Men at Work only to pay 5 per cent royalties

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Larrikin music have won a victory of sorts: but how much has it cost them? Hopefully far more than they'll ever get back from royalties.

And as the band disbanded in 1986, and didn't reform until 1996 with different members, just who is supposed to pay the 5%? Even just post 2002, the period covered by the judges ruling, the line-up has varied greatly, and continues to do so.

I heard that although the ruling was a great one for them, the band is considering appealing the decision; purely on principal. I hope they do and cost Larrikin heaps more in the process.


--- Quote from: Beergut on Thu 08 Jul 2010 03:19:29 ---I heard that although the ruling was a great one for them, the band is considering appealing the decision; purely on principal. I hope they do and cost Larrikin heaps more in the process.
--- End quote ---
Yes, this is just the order pursuant to the original Federal Court proceedings and ruling. There will also be a further ruling on legal costs at a later date.

EMI have stated that they will lodge an appeal against the original judgement, so Larrikin could end up with nothing if EMI's appeal is then successful.



--- Quote ---so Larrikin could end up with nothing if EMI's appeal is then successful.
--- End quote ---
Sure hope so Motcher.
Nothing except a big legal bill would take care of their greed eh?
Serve as a lesson for any other parasites too!

Based on the recent 5% royalties ruling, industry analysts are suggesting a settlement payout would be a six-figure sum. Even if that was at the lowest end of a six-figure sum - say $100,000 - that would mean the total royalty earnings would be a minimum of around $2,000,000 since 2002 just for one song. Seems a staggering amount, and image what it could be if the payout is at the upper end of the six-figure scale!!

Who said there wasn't money to be made in the music business (at least for the record companies). :P

It wasn't made clear, but perhaps suggesting a six-figure payout could also include future earnings?

EMI must at least be breathing a sigh of relief it's not back-dated to 1981.


Royalties include record sales including being released on compilations, movie sound track, advertising, radio play, video clip on TV .... 5% is very generous ...more than generous.


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