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Drunks and the sausage


Two drunks are pondering what they should do with their last $2. One gets an idea. he walks into a butcher shop and buys a sausage.
the second drunk is outraged. " I've got a plan" says the first drunk.
They walk into a pub and order 2 pints. After downing them the second drunk says "Great, now how are we going to pay for them?"
The first drunk pops the sausage out of his fly and tells the second drunk to start "playing" with it.
The publican promptly throws the pair out onto the street.
After about the tenth bar the second drunk says 'Lets have a rest, mate. My Knees are killing me."
"Well," says the first drunk "how do you think I feel, I lost the sausage 6 pubs ago"!!!


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