Author Topic: Discogs  (Read 7667 times)

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Offline Beergut

« on: Sat 14 Nov 2020 16:55:29 »
Is it just me, or are others finding Discogs incredibly slow to load recently.

It seems to take minutes to get the start screen up, then equally as long to search for or load anything.

Seems to take an interminable time connecting to for some reason.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline ozmuze

Re: Discogs
« Reply #1 on: Sat 14 Nov 2020 17:32:19 »
It may just be for you BG....

I have this bookmarked:
and it gets the straight there each time.

But while on the topic of these major websites, is anyone else UNIMPRESSED with the new look of RYM?


Offline MrPurser

Re: Discogs
« Reply #2 on: Sun 15 Nov 2020 15:44:53 »
Hi Oz - just had a look at RYM - not impressed and they are seeking donations now - I thought that posting label scans was the donation.  Haven't used that site much as I use 45Cat most of the time.

Another day - another song.
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