Author Topic: Gripe City - Re: Doris Day Singles Collection Volume 5  (Read 14372 times)

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Offline punkinblue9

Gripe City - Re: Doris Day Singles Collection Volume 5
« on: Tue 20 Feb 2024 13:21:03 »
There are six volumes of Doris Day "Complete Columbia Singles", offered only as digital downloads.  Volume 5 was atrocious.  You could hear what sounded like tape drag, along pops and/or clicks.  You'd think someone would have listened, before releasing.  They have the means to eradicate these disturbances.  You'd think an austere recording company would not release something akin to an off-label brand, or aspire to better recording efforts.  I do know that way back when, this single collection was suggested but it was met with disdain.  It's like they don't care about their product(s).  I do realize it may be a little late in the game, to release a dubious "remastered" version, but people are still paying good money for an inferior product and that irks.

Friend, wrote the liner notes for A Day At The Movies, so I do know they (Sony) can do better, but that album was headed by someone else, who has long since left Sony.

Wish they cared more.


Offline RAM

Re: Gripe City - Re: Doris Day Singles Collection Volume 5
« Reply #1 on: Tue 20 Feb 2024 16:53:23 »
I feel your frustration Punkster. I've bought similar things in the past and it really pissed me off.
The people who are putting some of this stuff out were probably marketing dog food last week!  :Grrrrrr:

Who knows where the time goes (Sandy Denny)