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Offline vicarious

Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« on: Sat 23 Aug 2008 17:45:45 »
Aussie Words
These were results for an Ozwords comp where entrants were asked to take an Australian word, alter it by only one letter, and supply a new and witty definition.  Some of this may be lost on non-natives, but what the hell I found it funny.  You probably need to be an Aussie to understand.

to make passionate love beside a waterhole.

a partner who doesn't work but is kept as a pet.

a fake indigenous artefact.

all your flat mate's belongings lying strewn around the floor.

a day off you get by asking the boss nicely.

the sickie taken after Sunday, for the purpose of fishing.

fair drinkum
good quality Aussie wine.

the sound a roo makes when it hits your bull bar.

a cat which has been run over by a vehicle.

the unintelligible language of Australian freshwater crustaceans.

carlton drift
the wayward walk home from the pub

a pretentious drongo who reckons he's above average when it comes to handling himself in the scrub.

a sheila with a brazillian wax.

Offline Jaylee

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #1 on: Sat 23 Aug 2008 18:39:22 »
lol ... they are really good, i particularly liked bludgie, billabonk and barramondi, but they are all good.

In fact it might make a good forum game to see what others people can come up with..... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline vicarious

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #2 on: Sat 23 Aug 2008 19:15:12 »
What a great idea Jaylee.

...any takers for the game???

Offline Vtroll

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Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #3 on: Mon 25 Aug 2008 07:11:40 »
All I can think of is .......

a person worse than ugly!  ;D

Has been in use for awhile though ....

Offline Jaylee

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #4 on: Mon 25 Aug 2008 21:50:55 »
lol .. thats the first time i have heard of fugly ;D

I have been trying to think of some, but the ones i come up with are not so decent.

« Last Edit: Mon 25 Aug 2008 22:09:34 by Jaylee »

Offline Hector McFreckle

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Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #5 on: Tue 26 Aug 2008 03:33:14 »
Need some inspiration?? Here's a whole heap of Aussie words:-

Ankle biter                       Small Child
Arvo                               Afternoon,  "I'll be there this arvo."
Agro                               Aggrivated, angry
Away with the pixies          Daydreaming
Aussie (pronounced Ozzie)   Australian
Back of beyond                 Way away from civilisation
Barrack                            Root for, cheer, "I barrack for the Magpies."
Bathers                           Swim trunks
Billabong                          Watering hole
Billy                                A metal can to boil tea over a fire
Biscuits / Bikkies               Cookies
Bitumen                           Asphalt road
Bloke                              Man
Blowies                            Blow flies
Bum                                The part of you that sits on a chair, your bottom.
Bush                               Land outside the city
Bush telegraph                  The town gossip
Car park                          Parking lot
Chips                              French fries
Chook                             Chicken
Chrissie                           Christmas
Cockie                            Farmer
Cocky                             Cockatoo
Cuppa                             Cup of tea or coffee
Dag                               Amusingly uncoordinated, "he's such a dag"
Daks                              Underpants
Dinki-di                          Something good from Australia
Dilly bag                         Small food bag or carry bag
Digger                            Australian soldier
Didgeridoo                      Aboriginal wind instrument
Dob (in)                         Snitch (most Australians won't)
Dunny                           Toilet
Engaged                        (phone) busy, "the phone is engaged."
Fair dinkum                    Someone or something genuine
Fairy Floss                     Cotton candy
Footy                           Australian Rules Football
Fred Nerk                      Someone imaginary, "I suppose Fred Nerk did it?"
G'day                            Australian for hello
Good on ya                    Good job, good for you
Great Australian wave      Swatting flies away from your face
Grog                             Alcohol
Give way (traffic sign)      Yield
Happy as Larry                Very happy
Icy pole                         Popsicle
jelly                              jell-o
Joe Bloggs                      Mr average citizen, John Doe
Journo                           Journalist
Jumper                          Sweater
Kit                                A pack with your belongings
Lollies                            Candy
Lift                                Elevator
Mackers / Macka D's         McDonald's
Mate                             Friend
Matilda                          Sleeping bag or roll
Milk bar                          Convenience store
Mozzie                           Mosquito
Mum and dad                  Mother and father
Nappy                           Diaper
No worries                      No problem at all
Nong                             Idiot, "you nong!"
Ooroo                            Goodbye
Oy!                               Hey!
Oz                                Australia
Panel beater                   Auto body shop
Petrol                            Gasoline
Prezzies                         Presents
Push bike                       Bicycle
Rellies                            Relatives
Rubber                           Pencil eraser
Sacked                          Fired from your job
Scones (short O)             Biscuits
My shout                       I'll pay this time
Singlet                          Undershirt or tank top
Stickybeak                     Nosy person
Snag                             Sausage
Shonky                          A questionable deal 
Swag                            Canvas bag for your belongings
Ta                                Thanks
Tea                               Dinner
Tucker                           Food
Tuckshop                       School cafeteria or snack shop
Ute                               Utility vehicle, pickup truck
Whinge                          Complain all the time, "what's he whinging about now?"
Woop Woop                    A long way from civilisation
Yobbo                            Redneck
You Right?                      May I help you?  Do you need anything?
Barbie                            Barbecue, the backyard barbie, an Australian institution!
Barney                           Argument,fight
Betcha                           I bet you!
Big bikkies                      Lots of money
Big smoke                       The city
Blue                              Argument, fight
Bonza                            Great!
Boofhead                        Idiot
Bozo                              Idiot
Brekkie                           Breakfast
Buckley's                        No chance!
Bunyip                            Mythical Australian creature with a piercing cry
Bush                              Outside the city
Choof off                        Leave, depart
Chuck                            To throw, or be sick
Chuck a spaz                  Be angry (Also 'chuck a mental')
Chuck a U-ie                   Make a U-turn
Cobber                          Mate, friend
Croweater                      Person from South Australia > Beergut
Dead horse                    Sauce
Dero                             Homeless person, derilict, hobo
Dill                                Idiot
Drongo                           Idiot
Earbash                          Non-stop chatter
Esky                              Insulated cooler box
Face Fungus                   Moustache or beard
Fleabag                         Term for the family dog (non-pedigree)
Goog                             Egg
Grog                             Alcohol
Grouse                          Very good, cool!
Idiot box                       Television
Kark it                          Die
Olds/Oldies                     Parents
Ridgy-didge                    Genuine, honest
Rip-snorter                     An excellent thing
Sheila                           General slang term for an Aussie female
Squiz                            Have a look at
Yobbo                           Loudmouth
Zeds                             Sleep; 'stack some Zzzz's'

Looking at these, i wonder how people even understand us!  ;D

Eat your peas !! :)

Offline Beergut

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #6 on: Tue 26 Aug 2008 03:39:44 »
Here's a couple to keep the ball rolling:

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an arsehole.

Osteopornosis:  A degenerate disease

Giraffiti: Vandalism painted very high.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline Skids

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #7 on: Tue 26 Aug 2008 20:00:04 »
I use Foff !!!

which is my politer way of telling someone to F off !!!!  ;D
so ner....  :P

Offline gazzastapo

Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #8 on: Fri 29 Aug 2008 13:17:51 »
Here's a couple to keep the ball rolling:

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an arsehole.
hahahaha....nice one beergut...I know a couple of those... ;D
Take Out Your False Teeth Momma....I Wanna Suck On Your Gums!!!....

Offline rude1971

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Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #9 on: Wed 03 Sep 2008 06:49:29 »
What about Mocka!!

Means A Really Rough Victorian.


Offline Vtroll

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Re: Aussie Word - Letter Swap
« Reply #10 on: Mon 08 Sep 2008 17:02:03 »
What about Mocka!!

Means A Really Rough Victorian.

Mahahaha ..... really rough??